Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Howdy all...

So, how do I start this baby up? hmmmm... perhaps a bit about myself.

My name is Jesse Hansen, a 31 year old male... now divorced. A professional comic book inker and art director of a few companies. Currently working on an anthology to help victims of Katrina which will be published through Ronin Studios. We just finished an anthology which helps the victims of WWII due to commerating the 60th anniversary of WWII.

What the heck is an anthology? It's a gathering of multiple creative teams and creations of said teams in a complete binding... in this case, a deluxe format comic book. The WWI Anthology was approximately 10 stories where Cadre Corner members helped out with...

Front cover colors: Freddy Lopez
Lettering of an interior story: Jay La Valley
Inking of an interior story and Art Director: Jesse Hansen (me)

The book was titled: Memories and Echoes: Remembering World War II (paperback)

It is available for sale now.

The new anthology is to help Katrina victims... it's title: HOPE: New Orleans/Gulf Coast.

This new anthology already has a ton of talent working on it... however, always looking for more talented individuals. hint hint... lol. All contributions, talent and simply support is appreciated... I'll post links soon.

1 comment:

Cadre said...

so far the talent involved with the anthology, HOPE: New Orleans/Gulf Coast...

HOPE: New Orleans/Gulf Coast - Creator signup
If you want to participate, please reply with your name and what you do (e.g. writer/artist/inker/grayscaler/letterer).

This is a tentative list of participants.

Archibald, Dustin - title TBA - with Victor Cabanelas, in chiaroscuro
Barratt, Christian - LOOTER'S CHANCE (4 pages) - with Chuck Zsolnai - approved, being drawn
Belkewitch, John
Beranek, Adam - GOTH NINJA (6 - 8 pages) - with Chris McCarver - approved
Boon, Mario - (3 pages)
Branco, Thad - UNIQUE FORCE - A GAME OF HOSTS (8 pages) - with First Salvo - approved, being drawn
Brandt, Ryan A. - MARCUS MIDNIGHT (14 pages) - with Bram Cayne & Mike Heinrich - approved
Broadway, Curtis - ELDORADO (adapted E.A. Poe poem) (4 pages - writing and drawing) - approved
Brown, Bruce - WAKE UP CALL (5 pages) - approved
Chamberlain, Kody (5 pages - writing and drawing)

Chastain, Grant - THE SECRET EVERYBODY KNOWS (2 pages) - with Owen Dunne - approved
Chenoweth, Shannon - (3 - 4 pages)
Cipriano, Sal - BIO BOY SPECIAL - with Marco DiLeonardo
Coons, John - BEADS (3 pages)- with Milx - approved, being drawn
Davis, Darren - TENTH MUSE - with LightBombMike
Delsante, Vito - STOP! (1 page) - one man show
Dexember - THE SUICIDE KING - with regular artist
Encarnacion, Jonathan FINDINGS (4 pages) - with James Ruiz
Evans, Richard - title TBA (10 pages)
Fialkov, Joshua
Fowler, Brant W.
Franzoni, Michael - PERMANENCE (6 pages)

Gandalfe (please go here: http://forums.ronin-studios.com/showthread.php?t=832)
Gordon, Samuel - ESCOGIDOS DE VIDA (4 pages) - with Matt Mossman, Greg Harms & Steph St. Laurent)
Gregory, Raven - possibly
Hogan, Erick - HEROES @ LARGE SPECIAL - with H@L team
Holguin, Brian
Joe, Christopher - A REASON TO BELIEVE (7 pages) - with Darrin "Alien Ant" - approved
Hooper, Ben
Hurtt, CJ - SWEET MARIE ([i]4 pages[/]) - with Bong Abad - approved
Kipnis, Jeff - LIGHTNING SQUIRREL: TERROR IN THE RUINS (7 pages) - approved

Lambert, Chad - AMERICAN PATRIOT: AN ENEMY WITHIN (3 pages) - with Ryan Scott - approved, being drawn, looking sweet!
Larimer, Noble - WILDLIFE (9 pages) - with Federico Zumel and Jesse Hansen
Leazer, Rich (6 - 8 pages)
Lilly, Mike - MR. MERCURY ?
Lissau, Russell - PRESSING ON 3 pages - approved
Loika, Pat - PATH TO ARMAGEDDON: MEMORIES (3 - 4 pages) - with Tim Loika
Lynch, Kevin - TAINT MONKEY (6 pages) - with Alfred Tam
MacPherson, Dwight L. - TPC 5 pages) - with Johnny Morbius (uh, is that your real name? lol) -- Can ya dig it?!
Majma, Raphael - BILOXI BLUES (4 pages) - approved - with Robert Hack?
Maloof, Craig
Manning, Shaun - RENEWAL (9 pages) - with Victor Cabanelas, inker TBA - approved

Matthews, Ryan - A NEW ORLEANS GHOST STORY (11 pages) - needs ink washes or grayscales.
McAffee, Kert - ONE EARTHLY POSSESSION (6 pages) - with Will Caligan (pencils) - approved
Melanson, Thommy - GOD SIGHS (6 pages) - approved, drawn
Orlando, Steve - ALL THAT IT TAKES - New Orleans Axeman story (5 pages) - with Lonny Chant and Matty Ryan - approved
Patton, Nathan
Rider, Lawrence - CHANGELING ROOMS (5 pages) - with Nelz Yumul - approved
Ritter, Jason - (3 - 4 pages
Rubio, Ryan - HEADLINES - (8 pages) - with Thomas Boatwright - approved
Sage, J.D.
Schlimm, John Jr.
Shingler, Rick
Smektala, Radek - INSENSITIVITY (4 pages) - approved
Smith, Nolan P.

Spatola, Matthew - THE VENGER (6 pages
Storniolo, Mike - title TBA (6 pages) - with Jeremy Dale - approved
Taylor, Dan L. (with Mario Boon)
Taylor, Dan L. (with Cal Slayton)
Trent, Logan
Vaughn, R. Scott
Wallace, Len
Wilkins, Adrian
Wilson, Alex - PERSISTENT CITY (5 pages)
Yost, Chris - FADE: OBLIVION (with Scott Wegener & Thomas Mauer)
Zegers, Steve - SHELTER (4 pages) - approved
Zegers, Steve - TEMPORAL TRAVELERS TIME TEAM (3 pages) - with Andy Jewett - approved

Alien Ant
Baskin, Tim - Thommy Melanson - GOD SIGHS
Beachler, Rob - Jeff Kipnis - LIGHTNING SQUIRREL
Boatwright, Thomas - with Ryan Rubio
Boon, Mario
Cabanelas, Victor - Shaun Manning - RENEWAL
Cayne, Bram - Ryan A. Brandt - MARCUS MIDNIGHT
Cranston, Evan (with Chris DiBari?)
Dale, Jeremy - Mike Storniolo - title pending
Delay, Donal
DiBari, Chris (with Jose L. Torres)
DiLeonardo, Marco - Sal Cipriano - BIO BOY
Dunne, Owen - Grant Chastain - THE SECRET EVERYBODY KNOWS
Geen, Adam
Hack, Robert
LightBombMike - Darren Davis - TENTH MUSE
McAlpin, Gordon
McCarver, Chris - Adam Beranek - GOTH NINJA
Milx - John Coons - BEADS
Ossman, Jason - Matthew Spatola - THE VENGER
Raiz, James - Jonathan Encarnacion
Scott, Ryan - Chad Labert - AMERICAN PATRIOT
Slayton, Cal - with Dan L. Taylor
Shinn, Tim
Tam, Alfred - Kevin Lynch - TAINT MONKEY
Treece, Jeremy - Erick Hogan - HEROES @ LARGE
Wegener, Scott - Chris Yost - SASHA story
Zumel, Federico - [i]Noble Larimer - WILDLIFE[i]

Carvajal, Jay
Castro, Juan
First Salvo
Glick, Jason
Hansen, Jesse - Noble Larimer - WILDLIFE
LaJaunie, Jeffery - Raven Gregory story?
Mitchell, Gary
Roth, Jason

First Salvo
Griffin, Lincoln

DePasquale, Shawn
First Salvo
Fowler, Brant W.
LaValley, Jay
Leazer, Rich
Maly, Chuck
Mauer, Thomas
Storniolo, Mike

Pinup Artists
Barratt, Christian
Cranston, Evan
Edwards, Steven
Forney, Sean
Jones, Nat
Jones, Rob
Lopez, Alfredo Jr.
Matthews, Don
O'Hare, Michael
Seely, Tim
Trent, Logan?
Villegas, Rey
Wachter, Dave
Yumul, Nelz

O'Hare, Michael
Wachter, Dave

Mauer, Thomas

Assistant Editor:
Jesse Hansen


WRITERS: If you already have a story idea, please indicate you do (and how many pages you think you'll need). If you already have a creative team, please say who they are.

Please email scripts/ideas to: tom.mauer.1977@gmail.com - Subject: [Hope] Script

ARTISTS: Please post links to online portfolios. Sequentials a must.

PINUP ARTISTS: Please post links to online portfolios. I'd like to have a pinup seperating all the stories. We didn't manage to do that in Memories & Echoes and it would have been better.